Straight from the fields of Bali

Since 2009, Cocoa of Excellence recognises, preserves, values, and promotes cocoa quality and flavour diversity across the value chain. As Indonesia is the 3rd cocoa producer in the world, Cacao from Jembrana has been proudly selected as Top 50 – Cocoa Excellence by Salon Du Chocolate in 2017.

Our Raw Cacao is sustainably sourced from a collective of 17 farmers in the Jembrana area of Bali. This area is known for the best quality cacao in Bali and is in limited supply.

The cacao fermentation process is still done in a traditional way by using banana leaves and without using any chemical to speed up the fermented process.

What is the Cacao of Excellence Badge?

  • Icon illustrating no sugar.


    Refined sugar cause unhealthy spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels, and adds a significant amount of calories to your diet with no nutritional benefit.

  • Icon illustrating no dairy.


    We use coconut to replace dairy. With less saturated fat and additives, non-dairy products are a healthier option with the same sweet flavour.

  • Icon illustrating no sugar cane.

    Cane Sugar

    Instead of cane sugar we use Palmyra sugar which is minimally processed with no added chemicals so it retains lots of healthy plant-based nutrients.

  • Icon illustrating no palm oil.

    Palm Oil

    Palm oil production is known to be very environmentally unfriendly so we cannot in good conscience use it. Instead we use cacao mass and cacao butter.

  • Icon illustrating no sugar alcohols.

    Sugar Alcohols

    Sugar alcohols are artificial sweeteners and of course we don't use them! Like refined sugar it again has proven to be of no nutritional benefit to our body.

  • Icon illustrating no soy.


    Are you someone who's body goes crazy when you have some soy? Well, good news for you, people with soy allergies can safely relish our raw chocolates.

  • Icon illustrating no lecithins.


    Lecithin used as an emulsifier improves texture, but it's chemically extracted so we don't use it. This gives our chocolate a deliciously natural earth texture.

  • Icon illustrating no erythritol.


    Erythritol is a sugar alcohol. It's used as a low calorie sweetener but because it's synthetic it's no good. We stick to our good old natural stuff.

  • Icon illustrating no emulsifiers.


    Emulsifiers are added to chocolate to help bind the cocoa solids. Since most emulsifiers are genetically modified and contain allergens, we don't use them.